属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-长寿风险 我的钱或者你的人生
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自由交换 美墨两国的经济隔阂比墙还厚(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧元从繁荣到衰退 (2)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-新任联邦储备局长 鸽派主政
1 | 更使贾妃见之,知系其爱弟所为,亦或不负其素日切望之意. | Besides, when the Imperial Consort learned that these were the work of her beloved younger brother, she would feel that he had not fallen short of her hopes. | |
2 | 恐怕我们的工作没达到你们的要求。 | I’m afraid our work has fallen short of your expectations. | |
3 | 他的成就没有达到他期望的那么大. | His achievements had fallen short of his hopes. | |
4 | 我们的米不够了。 | We have fallen short of rice. | |
5 | ||1:在过去的的五十年间,关于任何人类能活多久的预测相较之前都变短了。||2:尽管人们对于肥胖症以及全球变暖的担心将要扭转这一趋势,在发达国家的平均寿命正在稳步增长—大约每过十年便增长2.5岁,或每过一小时增长15分钟。||3:这对卫生保健的供应商、邮轮公司以及人类确实是个好事。||4:不过这对于那些为这个拓展生命的长度而支付账单的人来说却绝对不是什么受欢迎的事情。 | ||1:OVER the past 50 years, every forecast of how long people will live has fallen short.||2:Despite fears that obesity and global warming would reverse the trend, life expectancy in rich countries has grown steadily, by about 2.5 years a decade, or 15 minutes every hour.||3:That is good news for health-care providers, cruise companies and humanity.||4:It is most unwelcome for those paying the bills to finance this extended lease on life. | |
6 | 即使是NAFTA的支持者(一个更为缄默的人群)也不得不承认这份贸易协定未能达到他们的预期。 | Even NAFTA’s cheerleaders (a more reticent bunch) might concede that the deal has fallen short of their expectations. | |
7 | 虽然很多人将矛头指向疲软的外部需求,认为这是近期经济增长问题的主因,但国内需求也未能达标。 | While many have pointed to weak external demand as the primary cause of recent growth woes, domestic demand has also fallen short. | |
8 | 与此同时,排除能源价格的影响,通货膨胀率一直未能达到联邦储备局2%的目标。 | Meanwhile, energy prices excluded, inflation has persistently fallen short of the Fed’s 2% target. | |
9 | 但CDM机制却未能实现预期目标,促使相关方面呼吁在哥本哈根会议上对其彻底审视。 | But the scheme has fallen short of expectations, prompting calls for its overhaul at the Copenhagen conference. | |
10 | 而其他研究者在赞赏她的工作的同时,他们指出海豚和人类的交流常常是低于预期的。 | And while other researchers praise her work, they point out that of dolphin-human communication has often fallen short of expectations. | |
11 | 美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)一向能言善辩,但就中东局势而言,奥巴马的决心一直没有跟不他的言辞。 | Barack Obama gives a good speech but, as far as the Middle East goes, the US presidential resolve has hitherto fallen short of the rhetoric. | |
12 | 现在回想起来,玛德琳意识到她在大学里的爱情生活并不如意。 | Looking back, Madeleine realized that her college love life had fallen short of expectations. | |
13 | 在对社会影响的广泛性方面,他也略逊将汽车带入大众生活的亨利·福特一筹。 | And in broad societal impact, he might have fallen short of the man who popularized the automobile, Henry Ford. | |
14 | 在过去的8年里,世界粮食产量有7年都不能满足消费者的需求。 | In 7 of the last 8 years, world grain production has fallen short of consumption. |